Oadby, Wigston & South Wigston BID

Uniting Our Towns, Empowering Businesses, Enhancing Community Life

Hello & Welcome

This website is where we will keep you up to date with developments about the Oadby, Wigston & South Wigston Business Improvement District (BID)

The Area

Oadby, Wigston & South Wigston Town Centres lie directly to the south of Leicester City Centre, with a population of approximately 57,000. Wigston is the largest settlement followed by Oadby and the smaller centre of South Wigston.


Oadby is a large district centre with a smaller, but nevertheless good range of shops, services and facilities which are mostly located along The Parade. Council owned public car parking is situated to the east and west of The Parade and is easily accessed from the north and south of the centre. Oadby is particularly influenced by the presence of out of centre supermarkets situated along the A6.


Wigston is regarded as the Borough’s main town centre and contains the largest variety of shops, services and facilities. The town is centred on the fully pedestrianised Bell Street, The Arcade and Leicester Road. There are a number of Council owned public car parks around the town.

South Wigston

South Wigston is small sized district centre extending almost the entire length of Blaby Road. This results in a stretched linear centre that in recent years is extending. As a neighbourhood centre, South Wigston is community focused in many ways and generate pride and loyalty in its residents.

Distinct Appeal in Local Unity

Each of these centres appear of equal importance to many locals. There is a tendency with the residents of each town not to travel out of ‘their’ settlement to access other shops, services and facilities that are available within the Borough. This leads to each of the centres providing a similar range of opportunities, albeit at a different scale. This arrangement is a result of the way in which the three settlements have evolved and a perception that if needs are not met by the nearest centre it is unlikely that the other centres in the Borough will meet the needs either.

The centres are not only influenced by their proximity to each other, but their proximity to Leicester City Centre and the Fosse Shopping Park. Both of these offer large amounts of retail floorspace and attract national retailers. Nevertheless, the Borough’s centres are valued by the Borough’s residents.

The Challenges

The Town Centres like many other similar towns faces some typical challenges, local and regional, competition, public realm, access and infrastructure issues, the need to modernise its offer and attract investment in a different and fast changing business/consumer environment, the perceptions of local residents and business communities and of course organisational and funding stability. These matters have of course not been helped by the unprecedented challenges due to the pandemic. It is against this backdrop and the desire to continue to evolve and succeed that the concept of a better performing and managed town centre is being examined.

Following a Feasibility Study, a business led group, the Oadby, Wigston & South Wigston BID Task Group was formed. These individuals/ organisations have given freely of their time over to look at ways in which the Town could be improved. We are now starting the work on engaging with the wider business community to see whether a BID would be right approach.

Potentially the Oadby Wigston & South Wigston BID will:

  • Involve 350+ businesses.
  • Raise over £850,000 m over 5 years to invest in the Town Centres.
  • Raise the profile of each town.
  • Carry out exciting projects and events to drive loyalty, footfall and spend.
  • Make sure the towns are more welcoming, friendlier and safer.
  • Make it easier for people to come into and move around.
  • Give businesses the support they need to flourish by driving down business costs whilst being a powerful voice.
  • Access further funding
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